Tag Archives: John Calvin

Pray and Seek the Kingdom – from John Calvin

The Bible verse is  Matthew 6:33, But seek ye first His kingdom, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. 34 Be not therefore anxious for the morrow:….

California Beach

Pray and Seek the Kingdom – California Beach

John Calvin talks about “restraining excessive anxiety”. Of course, excessive anxiety can arise in many areas of life such as money, time, relationships, work or societal issues.

John Calvin says:  But rather seek first the kingdom of God. This is another argument for restraining excessive anxiety about food. It argues a gross and indolent neglect of the soul, and of the heavenly life. Christ reminds us that there is the greatest inconsistency in men, who are born to a better life, being wholly employed about earthly objects. He who assigns the first rank to the kingdom of God, will not carry beyond moderation his anxiety about life. Nothing is better adapted to restrain the wantonness of the flesh from breaking out in the course of the present life, than meditation on the life of the heavens. The word righteousness may be either understood as applying to God, or to the kingdom: for we know that the kingdom of God consists in righteousness, ( Romans  14:17 ,) that is, in the newness of spiritual life. All other things shall be added. This means, that those things which relate to the present life are but favorable appendages, and ought to be reckoned greatly inferior to the kingdom of God. – from the John Calvin Commentary.

Thy Kingdom Come – from John Calvin

The Lord's Prayer - Thy Kingdom Come

Beautiful scenery – The Lord’s Prayer – Thy Kingdom Come

This is a great prayer quote from John Calvin on the phrase  “Thy Kingdom Come” in the Lord’s Prayer.  Prayer is required to bring in the Kingdom of God.  The Kingdom is God’s rule over an area or situation. Don’t forget God owns the earth and the universe. God created the earth  to declare His glory.

There is still another way in which God reigns; and that is, when he overthrows his enemies, and compels them, with Satan their head, to yield a reluctant subjection to his authority, “till they all be made his footstools” ( Hebrews  10:13 .) The substance of this prayer is, that God would enlighten the world by the light of his Word, — would form the hearts of men, by the influences of his Spirit, to obey his justice, and would restore to order, by the gracious exercise of his power, all the disorder that exists in the world. Now, he commences his reign by subduing the desires of our flesh. Again, as the kingdom of God is continually growing and advancing to the end of the world, we must pray every day that it may come: for to whatever extent iniquity abounds in the world, to such an extent the kingdom of God, which brings along with it perfect righteousness, is not yet come.  – from the John Calvin Commentary.