Tag Archives: daily life

Life and Peace

In Romans chapter 8 we come to a great verse on life and peace. After Paul in Romans spends many chapters on God’s condemnation of sinful man, and the justification only available through what God did in Jesus, we now come to chapter eight, a chapter about living in the Spirit. No matter what man could do to rescue himself, only God’s work could do this. Man with his great desire to please God, just cannot satisfy God’s requirement. Only the work that Jesus did on the cross could satisfy what God requires.

Multnomah Falls, Oregon

Multnomah Falls, Oregon

So in Romans chapter eight we come to: Romans 8:6  For the mind set on the flesh is death; but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. This means to walk in the Spirit by following the Lord brings peace in our life. So peace comes by walking with the Lord.

Columbia River, railroad tracks

Columbia River, railroad tracks

Prayer is an Always Thing

“Men ought always to pray, and “-although faintness of spirit attends on prayer like a shadow-“not faint.” The soil in which the prayer of faith takes root is a life of unbroken communion with God, a life in which the windows of the soul are always open towards the City of Rest. We do not know the true potency of prayer until our hearts are so steadfastly inclined to God that our thoughts turn to Him, as by a Divine instinct, whenever they are set free from the consideration of earthly things. It has been said of Origen (in his own words) that his life was “one unceasing supplication.” By this means above all others the perfect idea of the Christian life is realized. Intercourse between the believer and his Lord ought never to be interrupted.

“The vision of God,” says Bishop Westcott, “makes life a continuous prayer.” And in that vision all fleeting things resolve themselves, and appear in relation to things unseen. In a broad use of the term, prayer is the sum of all the service that we render to God,8 so that all fulfillment of duty is, in one sense, the performance of Divine service, and the familiar saying, “Work is worship,” is justified. “I am prayer,” said a Psalmist (Psa. cix. 4). “In everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving,” said an Apostle.

This is a quote from Hidden Life of Prayer by David MacIntyre