AnimatedFaith™ enjoys producing devotional eBooks, beautiful devotional scenery, multi-media songs based on the Bible, that inspire people to connect with God in a devotional way.
We inspire Biblical faith into people via multi-media.
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Devotional Video’s from the 1990’s (
Drew Haninger is the Founder of
Olive Tree Bible Software is all about Creativity, Electronics, Innovation and Leadership.
Beautiful Yellowstone, Kauai, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington scenery 4k and HD Stock video footage available at ShutterStock and Pond5
My Favorite Christian Books and Devotionals (with links to inspire Biblical faith into people via multi-media.
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The Lord’s Prayer is available on Amazon Kindle.
I just love this verse on prayer: Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. — James 5:17
Elijah was just a typical person like you and I, nothing special except he was an Old Testament prophet. His effectual prayer life is an example for all of us. We should never think our prayers do not work, or that God does not hear. Our prayers do work and God does hear. The big thing we need to do is just pray.
Read the full version of some of these messages on your iPhone, iPad or mobile phone; get the free download from Olive Tree Bible Software.
For some reason, this is the top most viewed blog which is on Morning Prayer.
My Amazon author page is at:
Other Blogs by Drew include: and
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