Category Archives: Daily Devotions

Spending time with God and the Bible each day.

Encouragement for Believers

Encouragement can help us go a little faster in our walk with the Lord. So let these verses be an encouragement to you.

Philippians 1:6  Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

Philippians 2:13  For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

2 Timothy 1:12  For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day

Prophecy – History is God’s Story

History is God’s story, so no world or human event is a surprise to God. Timing and events are in His hands. Ultimately God will be in full control, but for a short time evil (the Devil) has a little freedom. Ultimately God will fully expressed through every human being, some happily in heaven, some in unhappiness.

Overview of Bible Prophecy
1. prophecy about the Lord’s first coming (happened 2000 years ago)
2. prophecy about the Lord’s second coming (future)
3. some Bible prophecy is about BOTH (Isaiah 9:6, and Daniel)
4. it seems there are more verses in the Bible about His second return, than the first.

In the Lord’s first coming, He came as a man (yet fully God and fully man) and as a lamb to be crucified on a cross for our sins, then rose from the dead and ascended to heaven.

In the Lord’s second coming He will come as a warrior to conquer an evil earth that does not represent God’s character. He will rule the earth from Jerusalem.

Most of the prophecy in the Bible is about Jesus Christ, but there is also some about Israel and the Church.

Some say one third of the Bible is Bible prophecy. There are over 2500 prophecies in the Bible. About 80 percent of those have already been fulfilled, and 20 percent are yet future.

Bible writers talked about prophecy the most: Jesus, Paul, Daniel, David, Ezekiel, Isaiah

Bible Overview, in connection with studying Prophecy

The two half’s of the Bible
* Old Testament with 39 books points to and promises Jesus Christ the Redeemer – Promises, Types, figures of Christ
* New Testament with 27 books is all about Jesus Christ, our redeemer – Fulfillment of all the promises and types of Christ

The first and the last books
* The book of Genesis — Beginnings
* God, man, garden, (devil comes in) sin, promise of a redeemer
* The book of Revelation – Conclusion
* God, man, a city (heaven), (devil cast out), sin forgiven, the redeemer on the throne

Some questions that come up:
1. Will the Lord come again – YES
2. Do we know when or the date – NO (even the Lord does not know, how could we know)
3. Will there be an anti-christ – YES, see Revelation 13
4. Do we know who it might be – NO

For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night — 1 Thessalonians 5:2

Morning Time Prayer, an Animated Overview

Consider the morning time to be the best time to pray and read the Bible. We all need a little touch with God our creator to get the day going.

Morning time is the best time to connect with God and the Bible. Try to pray with Jesus every morning. The best time to get the day doing right is our morning prayers with Jesus and the Bible. As an example, Jesus really liked the morning time for prayer. Jesus would go away and find a place to pray early in the morning. His time praying to the God the Father was a real source of spiritual strength.

Video first published Jul 28, 2014.

Understanding the Book of Revelation

So many people have tried to figure out this book of the Bible. The book of Revelation to many, but not all, is a total mystery clouded in symbols. The key to the whole book, at least one perspective of the book, is shown in the very first verse. The theme and focus of the book is actually so simple, but easy to miss. It’s a theme that hits almost every chapter of the book. It is the main character of the story of the book of Revelation.

Look at the first verse: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ…”. Could it actually be so simple? If you began to scan the book from this angle or perspective, you would notice that almost every chapter has something about Jesus Christ. Well maybe one exception, chapter 13 which is about the anti-Christ. Yes, there are many other ways to look at this book, but I think this is the most important and consistent way to see Revelation.

So now we have a research job to do, highlighting all verses with mentions of Jesus Christ whether directly or in symbolism.

In chapter one, there are many references to Jesus Christ. In the last chapter of the book of Revelation, Jesus is symbolized by the Lamb sitting on the throne. At this point in the book, God is fully in control and evil is pushed out.

Don’t forget, the book of Revelation is the best conclusion to the entire Bible of 66 books.

Drew Haninger July 16, 2019

Encouragement – My God Will Finish in Me – What He Started

What an encouragement, God will finish what He started in us.

Based on Philippians 1:6 this new song is a great encouragement to us passing through some rough times looking at ourselves and wondering what is going on. Philippians 1:6 is: Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ,

The lyrics written by Drew Haninger are:

My God will complete in me
My God will complete in me
What He has begun will finish
My God will complete in me

Encouragement, Encouragement
My God will complete in me, in me
Encouragement, Encouragement
My God will complete in me, in me

My God will complete in me
My God will complete in me
What He has begun will finish
My God will complete in me

Finish in me, oh Finish in me
My God will complete in me, in me
Encouragement, Encouragement
My God will complete in me, in me

God hath begun, God hath begun
God hath begun a good work in me
Confident, so confident
My God will complete in me

God is working, God is working
Working in me to will and do
Working in me, working in me
His good pleasure in me

(c) — Aug 6, 2015

Beautiful scenery from the area around Mount Rainier, Washington and Yellowstone.

The video is in 4k UHD video.

Political Elections expose our motives

Political Elections expose our motives, we expect perfection in man, when we should look to God. Only God is perfect. Every man is a sinner…

We try to find the perfect candidate, when God allows imperfect man to govern on the earth under His arrangements.

When you read the Bible, every person God used has imperfections, issues and problems. Not one is perfect, only God is perfect.

Abraham, Moses, David, Peter, Paul and John in the Bible were not perfect people. Yet God used every one of them, just like He can use you and me.

He is the Alpha and the Omega, so God gets the first word in creation and the last word in ultimate judgement. Sorry but mankind does not get the first or the last word.

Most Christians (unfortunately) are not smart enough to realize they are being manipulated to have a certain mindset about a candidate…


be encouraged – Pray Pray God will answer – a Hymn song – scenery from Kauai Hawaii

Encouragement to keep praying even when we don’t see an answer yet.

Enjoy the beautiful beaches of Kauai, one of the islands of Hawaii. Even when we don’t see God answering when and how we want, be patient, just keep praying, God will answer. God will answer in His time and His way.

The Lyrics are:

Pray Pray God Will Answer
God does hear prayer
God does answer prayer

Never despair and its God’s time
Ask in faith and believe He will

God’s time and not our time
God’s way and not our way

Pray to God in Jesus Name
Pray to God in Jesus Name


Pray Pray God Will Answer
God does hear prayer
God does answer prayer

Never despair and its God’s time
Ask in faith and believe He will

God’s promise is sure
Pray to God in Jesus Name

Pray to God in Jesus Name
Pray to God in Jesus Name

written by Drew Haninger (c)

The Kauai Hawaii beach scenery is in 4k UHD video.

Pray Pray God will answer - Hymn song - Kauai, Hawaii

Pray Pray God will answer – Hymn song – Kauai, Hawaii


Pray Pray God will answer - Hymn song - Kauai, Hawaii

Pray Pray God will answer – Hymn song – Kauai, Hawaii

Help Me Worship God

Jesus says “God is Spirit and to worship God, we must do so in spirit and in reality”   This is a statement recorded by John in chapter 4.  So to worship God we must do so in spirit and in reality. Jesus was so clear about how the Father wants us to worship Him.  Enjoy a short devotional video on “Help Me Worship God”

Here is John 4:21-24
Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what:we know what we worship:for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth:for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit:and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.HelpMeWorshipGod_3056