Category Archives: Drew Haninger

Drew Haninger

Bethlehem Bethlehem, His Name Is Jesus – New Christmas Song

Enjoy this new Christmas song called: Bethlehem Bethlehem, His Name Is Jesus

Bethlehem, a town in ancient Biblical Israel where Jesus was born feels so small, but out of Bethlehem came Jesus the King, the Messiah.  This is based on Micah 5:2 which is a prophecy about the city of Bethlehem. The verse seems to indicate that the city felt too small and unimportant to do anything significant. But from this city came Jesus Christ. Jesus is King and Redeemer. This is the real meaning of Christmas.

Here are the beautiful words:

Title: Bethlehem Bethlehem, His name is Jesus

Bethlehem Bethlehem, I feel you are so small
Yet born in you a King, we call our Emmanuel
He shall be called Jesus, born of a virgin
His name is Jesus, our Savior, our Redeemer

Bethlehem Bethlehem, I feel you are so small
Yet born in you a Ruler, we call our King
He shall be great, He will rule forever
He shall be called the Son of the Highest


Bethlehem Bethlehem, I feel you are so small
Yet born in you Jesus, we call our Messiah
Jesus the Son of God, Jesus the Son of man
His name is Jesus, our Savior, our Redeemer

His name is Jesus
His name is Jesus

updated Dec 29, 2014

God can be trusted – No Matter What!

No matter what we pass through in this age, God can be trusted. Nobody triumphs over God. He rules supremely over all the nations of the earth. You need to know that God is on His throne, even when we feel things are going really bad. Listening to God though His Word keeps us on the straight and narrow path and is a source of great blessing.

Over the years, God never turns His back on his chosen covenant people. God can be trusted to be God. Look at the Jewish faith. God started with Abraham thousands of years ago. The Jews lost their nation several times in history. It was God who eventually brought them back, so in the end God wins, God’s people win.

Consider this Prayer song:   Just a little Faith in Prayer – Speak To The Mountain.  

Jesus said: If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you…(Matthew 17:20)

The video scenery is from Kauai Hawaii.

So prayer sometime requires just a little faith to speak to our situation.

The lyrics are:

Speak to the mountain – Go
Just a little faith
Just a little faith in prayer
That’s all you need

Speak to the mountain – Be removed
Just a little faith
Just a little faith in prayer
That’s all you need

Jesus teaches us to pray in faith
Just a little faith
Just a little faith in prayer
That’s all you need

Speak to the mountain

Don’t give up
Don’t give in

Jesus teaches us to pray in faith
Just a little faith
Just a little faith in prayer
That’s all you need

Speak to the mountain – Go
Just a little faith
Just a little faith in prayer
That’s all you need

Speak to the mountain – Be removed
Just a little faith
Just a little faith in prayer
That’s all you need

Lyrics and words by Drew Haninger (c)

Just a little Faith in Prayer

Just a little Faith in Prayer

Song Posted June 12, 2015

Morning Time Prayer, an Animated Overview

Consider the morning time to be the best time to pray and read the Bible. We all need a little touch with God our creator to get the day going.

Morning time is the best time to connect with God and the Bible. Try to pray with Jesus every morning. The best time to get the day doing right is our morning prayers with Jesus and the Bible. As an example, Jesus really liked the morning time for prayer. Jesus would go away and find a place to pray early in the morning. His time praying to the God the Father was a real source of spiritual strength.

Video first published Jul 28, 2014.

The Bible in 29 Seconds, an Animated Overview

The purpose of this video is to discover the God of Love and inspire people to get into the Bible and know Jesus Christ.

The text is: In the beginning God created the heavens and earth. God then created man in His image for His purpose and glory. Man disobeyed God which brought in sin, but God who loved the world sent His son, Jesus Christ who is God became man. He died on the cross for man’s sins, and was resurrected from the dead. Jesus gives eternal life to all those who believe in Him.

Written by Drew Haninger and first published on Nov 20, 2012 at Posted on June 2, 2015

The Spirit and The Bride saying, “Come”

First and Last Mentions of “Spirit” in Bible

Let’s look at the first mention of the word, “Spirit” in the entire Bible, and then let’s look at the last mention. The first mention of the word, “Spirit” should be in the first book of the Bible, Genesis. Sure enough, in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible, in the second verse, we have the first mention of “spirit” in the Bible.  The first verse of Genesis talks about creation, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Verse 2 begins with the words, “And the earth was without form and void…” It seems like something was wrong on the earth or it was just ready for creation at that point. Then it says that the Spirit of God brooded or hovered over the face of the waters. Here you have the first mention of the Spirit in the Bible. This is a very unique passage.  Here was God with the Heavens and the earth.  God wanted to do something. The earth needed something.  Bible scholars look at Genesis one in different ways.  Many scholars say that Genesis 1:1ff is talking about the original creation. Others say, “No, the original creation was described in Genesis 1:1, and then what follows in Genesis 1:2ff is a restoration.”  I really don’t want to get into that point right now because Bible scholars who love the Lord and who handle the Bible properly come to two different conclusions about that point.  I don’t believe either viewpoint dishonors the Word of God.  Both viewpoints could be argued.

In Genesis 1:2, you have the Spirit of God coming on the scene. Here, in Genesis 1:2, God is about to do something. God is about to do the original creation or He is about to restore things. What happens first?  Verse 2 says the Spirit of God was hovering or brooding over the situation. In our experience as Christians, many times, when God is about to do something, the Spirit of God will come in and prepare our hearts for what God wants to do.  God was going to do some very dramatic things on earth by creating plant and animal life, as well as man. The Spirit of God comes on the scene.  This is the first mention in the entire Bible of the word, “Spirit”.  This Spirit, here, is referring to the divine Spirit, the Holy Spirit, or he Spirit of God.

The Spirit and The Bride saying, “Come”

Let’s go to the end of the Bible. The last book of the Bible is the book of Revelation. In the last chapter of that book, chapter 22, we have several mentions of the word, “Spirit”. I believe that the last verse that mentions the Spirit of God is verse 17 and it says, “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” This is the last mention of the word, “Spirit” in the Bible. Here, actually, it is a call or a cry, or an invitation to come. It is not just the Spirit, but the Spirit and the Bride saying, “Come.”  Come to what? Come to the living waters.  This is the last mention of the term, “Spirit” in the Bible, and we find it in the last chapter of the last book, the book of Revelation.  In Genesis 1:2 we saw that the Spirit of God was brooding over the situation before God created.  We also looked at the last verse that mentions the Spirit in the Bible in the book of Revelation. There the Spirit and Bride say, “Come.”  So we have covered the first and the last.