Category Archives: Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design

God Designed the Universe

When you pray and think about God, consider God’s creation.

Priest Lake, Idaho

Lots of Colors at Priest Lake, Idaho

Consider the design in the universe from the mass, energy and structure of the stars, planets, gravity, and light. Consider the heavenly beauty both in visible light and invisible light like radio waves.

Priest Lake, Idaho

Light Reflections at Priest Lake, Idaho

Then consider the design and laws holding the atom and molecules together. Then consider living things like plants and animals, and how they live and reproduce.

Two Geese at Priest Lake, Idaho

Two Geese and family at Priest Lake, Idaho

He designed their beauty in a coded language in the tiny, small DNA molecules in the center of each cell. How could that tiny code with millions and billions of instructions describe a plant or animal.

Then consider how this God loves us and cares for us and how He answers prayer.

God is the God Particle

So some wonder what holds the universe together.  Who enforces the laws of nature like gravity, electrical behaviors, electromagnetic waves like radio and microwave, the laws of light, mass and energy.   If the laws of nature were random, then we would expect hydrogen to behave different in the distant star than it does on earth.  Yet it behaves the same in weight, light spectrum emissions, and connectivity to other atoms (also called chemistry).  Hebrews 1:3 says By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible. So God Himself is the God particle that holds the universe together.

Tree Colors in Spokane

Tree Colors in Spokane

God is the Author

God is the author.  God is the author of life, DNA, faith and the Bible.  In Genesis chapter one, the Bible says that “God created the earth and the heavens.  In Hebrews chapter twelve Jesus, the son of God is the author of faith.  In Hebrews 12 it says “…looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith,”.   DNA is the code used my almost all living plants, animals and man to decide how a biological system should be constructed protein by protein. God as a biological software engineer designed DNA.

Lake Pend Oreille at Sandpoint, Idaho - Sunset

Lake Pend Oreille at Sandpoint, Idaho – Sunset

Why Man was Created by God

Sometimes it is hard to understand why God created man.

In the beginning there was the earth, plants, animals and there was man. What is all this for and why are we here?  These are some universal questions. In the beginning God had a purpose in mind for all things, but what is this purpose and what does this have to do with us? When we look at the beginning of the Bible, the first book of the Bible and the first chapter of the Bible the reason why God created man is laid out for us. It says, there, that God created man in His image and in His likeness, and He wanted man to have dominion over the fish, the cattle, the birds, over the whole earth and over the creeping things. In that passage the two key words are “image” and “dominion”. These two words describe the reason why God created you and created me—imagine and dominion.

God Created the Earth

God Created the Earth

Now what do these two words mean? An image is like a photograph. If I have a photograph of a tree, you see an image of the tree; you see the attributes of the tree. For instance, most trees are green, so you see green. You see the form of the branches, the shape of the leaves and so on. Well, in the same way, you and I were created in the image of God that we might express the attributes of God.  For instance, a tree is green, so a photograph of a tree expresses that attribute, the color green. You and I were created in the image of God. Now one attribute of God is love. Others include joy, peace, patience, honesty, telling the truth and so on.  These are all attributes of God.  When we express these attributes we express God’s nature, and this is why you and I were created.

So this is why God created man.

The God Particle

It is interesting that the scientists called the newly discovered sub-atomic particle the “God particle”.   Man must think “God” is important. So when you want cause and origin, use the word “God”. Um, so does everyone think God is really important? I heard it cost 9  billion dollars to discover the latest sub-atomic particle.

Flower may contain many God Particles

This Flower may contain many God Particles

I believe that in man’s spirit is the desire for God, and some knowledge about God. Our conscious gives us bad feelings when we do something wrong. So in every man is a God shaped place and feeling that affects man’s thinking.   The atomic particle is called the Higgs Boson after the scientist Peter Higgs, and is also called the God Particle.

God in a Box

Well, sorry, but God cannot be put in a box.

Columbia River

Columbia River

Mankind cannot make a box big enough for God.  After all, God created the universe including electrons, protons, atoms, molcules, and energy of all different kinds. He created the universe, the solar system, our galaxy and the earth. So could man build a box big enough for God? God created mankind. God created the heavens and the earth.

Now, history shows all kinds of events where man has tried to limit God, put Him in a box, and try to control nature. Even human beings do not get to choose when they are born or when they die. We do not get to choose our parents and which century we are born into.

The Bible is full of people who have tried to put God in a box. People have their view and image of God, but God is God. The best way to learn about God is to read the Bible.

God is 100 percent sovereign which means He is in control. So it only makes sense to cooperate with Him.

@DrewHaninger: God cannot be put in a box, He is too big (

Faith is not God on our schedule, it is trusting till God decides.

Pray with the Sovereign Lord

Isaiah 50:4  The Sovereign LORD has given me …


Pray with the Sovereign Lord – a California sunset

Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

What does it mean to fear the Lord, it means to recognize Him as the sovergn God who rules over all things. He created the universe out of nothing, He designed DNA and everything about us. He decided when we will be born into this world, and He decides the day we leave. He decides a lot of things we cannot even touch. He holds the calendar with the dates of our birth and death, who are parents will be, what city we are born, and what century.

God owns the universe and spoke it into being.  What ever He says is significant, so we should listen. God has the ability to do anything He wants to and no one can stop Him.

God is real, He exists, He is alive. God works and God acts.

This Bible verse is from proverbs, which is about wisdom. Actually in this book of the Bible wisdom is personified. And then in the New Testament we learn that Christ is the wisdom of God.  1 Corinthians 1:30 It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God–that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption?

Daniel 5:21 … the Most High God is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and sets over them anyone he wishes. So pray with the sovereign Lord.