Besides the Bible, devotional and study books can be a great source of inspiration and encouragement. Some books just keep us on the right path theologically. Its great to receive encouragement from others.
- Streams in the Desert by L. B. Cowman
- NKJV Study Bible by Thomas Nelson
- ESV Study Bible by Crossway
- ESV with Strong’s
- Bible Knowledge Commentary by Roy B. Zuck and John Walvoord
- Grudem’s Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem
- Chafer’s Systematic Theology by Lewis Sperry Chafer
- Images of the Holy Land – free sample by Bruce Einspahr
- Expository Notes of Dr. Thomas Constable by Thomas L. Constable
- Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (TSK) – cross references
- Living by the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible by Howard Hendricks and William Hendricks
- So Long, Insecurity by Beth Moore
NKJV with Strong’s
- Present Labor and Future Rewards by Theodore H. Epp
- Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication by Charles Swindoll
- Gospel-Powered Parenting by William P. Farley
- The Hidden Life of Prayer by David MacIntyre
- The Prayer of the Lord by R. C. Sproul
- Praying God’s Word Day by Day by Beth Moore
- Holy in Christ by Andrew Murray
- Prayers by Charles Spurgeon
- The Lord’s Prayer by Drew Haninger
- Prayer in the Lord’s Name by Drew Haninger
- Olive Tree Bible Maps
- Zondervan Atlas of the Bible by Carl G. Rasmussen
- Manna Bible Maps Study Set by Manna Maps
- Rose Bible Map Atlas by Paul H. Wright
- How To Pray by R. A. Torrey
- Purpose in Prayer by E.M. Bounds
- With Christ in the School of Prayer by Andrew Murray
- A Short and Easy Method of Prayer by Madame Guyon
- The Prayer Ministry of the Church by Watchman Nee
- The Prayer Life by Andrew Murray
- Prayer: Key to Revival by Paul Y Cho
- The Ministry of Intercessory Prayer by Andrew Murray
- Our Lord’s Pattern for Prayer by Adolph Saphir
- Prayer, A Holy Occupation by Oswald Chambers
- The Path of Prayer by Samuel Chadwick
February 2011