I see Moses was a man given up to God, zealous, yea, zealous for God, for His honour and will. A man, too, absolutely given up to his people, ready to sacrifice himself, if they may be saved.
(The more one is given to God, the more prayers will be effective – Drew)
A man conscious of a Divine calling to act as mediator, to be the link, the channel of communication and blessing, between a God in heaven and men on earth. A life so entirely possessed by this mediatorial consciousness that nothing can be more simple and natural than to expect that God will hear.
I see here God in answer to the prayers of one man saves and blesses those He has entrusted to him, and does what He would not do without it. I see how the whole government of God has taken up prayer into its plan as one of its constituent parts. I see how heaven is filled with the life and power and blessing earth needs, and how the prayer of earth is the power to bring that blessing down.
I see above all how prayer is an index of the spiritual life, and how prayer depends upon my relation to God, and the consciousness of being His representative. He entrusts His work to me, and the more simple and entire my devotion to His interests are, the more natural and certain becomes the assurance that He hears me.
Think of the place God had in Moses’ life, as the God who had sent him, the God to whom he was totally devoted, the God who had promised to be with him, and who would and did always help him when he prayed.
These are quotes from The Inner Chamber by Andrew Murray.