Tag Archives: bible passages on Christ

Passages of Scripture that Point to Jesus Christ

Passages of Scripture that Point to Jesus Christ

We are going to comment on some passages of Scripture that point to Jesus Christ.  If we read and study the Bible without coming to know Christ in a real way then we have missed the whole point of the Bible. The entire Bible talks about Jesus Christ.  I don’t know if you remember the story recorded in Luke 24.  After Christ died on the cross, there were rumors that He had risen from the dead. Two of His disciples were so sad because the One who had been with them for three years and had ministered in so many amazing ways was gone.  As they were walking and discussing these things, Jesus joined them, but they didn’t even recognize Him!  They poured out their hearts to Him, telling Him about this awful thing that happened.  And Jesus asked them, “What happened?” They told Him how this Jesus had died and how some said He had risen from the dead.   Jesus replied to them, “Don’t you realize that all the Scriptures talk about Christ?” He was rebuking them in a way.  He began with Moses (the first 5 books of the Old Testament, and then went to the prophets and the Psalms, teaching them about all the things written in the Bible concerning Himself.  I don’t know if you remember the story of when He went to the temple and read from the Old Testament book of Isaiah. The passage He read from said, “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek.” (Isaiah 61:1). Jesus was reading a passage from Isaiah that pointed people to Christ Himself!

Let’s talk about another place in the Bible where Jesus gave a clear indication that the Scriptures should point people to Christ.  In John 5 Jesus was talking to the religious people and He rebuked them saying, basically, “You guys search, study, and research the Bible that talks about Me, but you won’t come to Me!”  He indicated that those people knew the Bible, knew about the Bible, and could even quote Bible passages that clearly presented Jesus Christ as the Son of God, but they wouldn’t come to Him for eternal life.  A lot of times that happens with us as well.  We may have heard Bible stories or even read them ourselves.  The Bible should lead people to Christ, to know and to experience Him.  If your reading, Bible study and Scripture memorization doesn’t lead you to Jesus Christ then the whole purpose of those activities has been defeated.  When we read the Bible, when we read the Scriptures, it should lead us to know Christ in a real and living way.

There is another place in the Bible that points to Christ.  It is a story I think you’ve probably heard about, especially around Christmas time, and it is the story about the birth of the Lord Jesus.   Perhaps you remember the story of the Magi, or the Wise Men from the East.  They followed a star as far as Jerusalem and inquired about this King who had been born of the Jews because they wanted to go and worship Him.  Herod learned of their inquiries and summoned them to himself.  Herod, of course, was threatened by the thought of another king who might compete with Him.  He called together all his religious experts and demanded of them where this King was to be born because he secretly wanted to kill Him. These religious experts knew from Micah, a book in the Old Testament, that this King was to be born in Bethlehem and informed Herod of that fact.  You would expect these people of Israel to go and see the King, but they didn’t go. The Magi or Wise Men, on the other hand, had hearts that were seeking after Christ, seeking after the Messiah, or the King. They went to see Him and gave Him gifts, but the people who knew the Bible, understood the Bible, and could even quote from the Bible didn’t go to see Him. Their understanding of the Bible should have brought them closer to Christ, but it did not.