Biblical names are often full of great meaning, and that is definitely true of Elijah’s name.
The Hebrew word for “God” in the Old Testament is Elohim, which is occasionally shortened to EL. Elijah’s name begins with “God”, telling us that he has been marked by God for His purposes.
Elijah’s name ends with “JAH”, a shortened form of the Hebrew word, Jehovah, God’s personal name. Elijah’s name, therefore, includes the word for “God” as well as the word for “Jehovah”. What a great honor to have God’s names as part of one’s own! Elijah’s name reminds us that he has a special ministry to fulfill for God.
Inserted between those two words, EL and JAH, is the letter “I”, which translates from the Hebrew as “me”, “my” or “mine”, asserting Elijah’s personal relationship with his God.
Putting all this together, then, we find that Elijah’s name means “My God is Jehovah”, “The Lord is my God”, or “Jehovah God is very personal”. You could say the name means: “God is very personal to me”
Elijah’s name had great significance, and was a testimony to who Elijah was, and what he would do for God’s people.