Wow, what a great question – What is the Bible? The Bible is God’s Word to us. The Bible tells us what God thinks, how God feels and why He created the earth and mankind. The thoughts of God about the earth, man, sin, Jesus Christ, righteousness, heaven and hell are all addressed in the Bible. The Bible answers some big questions like, Why did God create me? and How do I become a Christian?
Four Main Points about the Bible:
1. The words of the Bible are God’s words. The words in the Bible are not opinion or human concepts. – 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching…
2. The Bible makes clear how one can become a Christian, live as a Christian and grow as a Christian. Many others items and things in the universe are just not found in the Bible because they are not necessary for our Christian living. – Psalms 119:130 The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.
3. The Bible is a very necessary book since it tells us about God, man, sin, Jesus Christ, heaven and hell. – 2 Timothy 3:15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
4, The Bible stands alone as the only book that tells us everything we need to know to become a Christian, live as a Christian and grow as a Christian. In this area the Bible is sufficient. – 2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.
Hopefully this short answer to “What is the Bible” has helped you and me understand more about the Bible. Later we will talk more about what is in the Bible such as poetry, history, teaching, theology, stories and prophecy. In the Bible is also encouragement and warnings for our Christian life.