The Lord’s Prayer (4) – Thy Kingdom come

Let’s continue on here with the Lord’s prayer. The next portion says, “Thy Kingdom come.” Now why would He say this? Well, today there are lots of kingdoms on the earth. You and I have our little realms and the devil has his realm. But God’s Kingdom needs to come to this earth. Whenever I read that portion or pray that portion, “Thy Kingdom come”, I think about this little phrase in the book of Revelation that says, “The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign for ever and ever.” Now this is really the conclusion of the Bible. The book of Revelation is kind of split in half. The first eleven chapters are one portion, and the second eleven chapters are another portion. They both begin and end. So here in chapter eleven, we actually have a conclusion of the entire book. Let me read this verse from the book of Revelation, “The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and forever.” This is in chapter eleven, and it is one of the conclusions of the book. This is the first conclusion and there is another in chapters 21 and 22. But here it is saying that finally this world, this earth, has become the Kingdom of our Lord. In the Lord’s Prayer, the model prayer, we are taught by Jesus to pray, “Thy Kingdom come.” Why? Because His Kingdom, the Kingdom of God has not yet fully come to this earth. So we need to pray that prayer.