We think burnout is what happens to others, but we actually all go through it at some point in our life. Sometimes it manifests itself as just frustration or constantly being tired or run-down.
Burnout happens when we are pulled in directions the Lord is not leading. God only emotionally “funds” the directions He is doing. The other directions and projects are on our energy, and we quickly run out. So find out what He is doing. It’s easy to get or be involved in some work for the Lord that has grown and been blessed by the Lord, but somehow the Lord has moved on or is just not doing it anymore. Yet we contine on and are faithful, yet sometimes we are not sensitive to the Lord’s change in direction.
So we need to learn how to pray “Lord, what are you doing?”, and then be sensitive enough to listen to what He is saying.
Sometimes saying “no” is hard to do. Sometimes we just need to finish something we started even though it may seem difficult.
Acts 16:7 And when they had come up to Mysia, they attempted to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus did not allow them. From Hebrews 12 “…active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us,” Sometimes God is holding back and sometimes He is moving forward, can we listen to what He is saying.